Month: September 2019

Successful intrapreneurship

From now on, innovative companies can not divide up innovation to a part of their employees: to transform the company, create disruptive products, it becomes necessary to engage the whole of society in the process.

The National Federation of Credit Agricole and the Village by CA welcomed us for this occasion. We also worked with Wisembly, an interactive platform for guests and speakers.

During this conference, 5 passionate intrapreneurs were present to talk about their experience. Beforehand, we had the opportunity to interview some of them.

After the event, we organized a networking cocktail to prolong the discussions …

The conference

For one hour, the speakers shared their feedback. Here are several videos that will give you an overview…

Many questions were asked. This video shows the most relevant moments…


During the networking cocktail, we did some interviews with the speakers.

Nadège Héliard,  Deployment and Animation Manager by  Village CA

Bérenger Billerot, manager of MAIF START UP CLUB

We had the opportunity to meet some before the event, as Olivier Leclerc, Director Innovation at Safran …

He is also the co-founder and president of Hacktivateurs.

Frédéric Lecoin is Head of Startups and Intrapreneurship Programs at France Télévisions.

The networking cocktail

After the conference, it seemed good to dedicate a moment of sharing, closer listening, and so on. So we organized a networking cocktail, which allowed us to do some interviews to get the feedback of the  participants.

Discover our next event which will take place on November 21,2019 in Paris

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Innovative ecosystems

Here are two videos of Jérôme Dubois, innovation manager at BNP Paribas.

Fabrice Cavarretta, professor at ESSEC, presents the different types of network effects, and the method to develop them.

Etienne Juliot, Co-Founder and Vice President of Obeo.

Christophe Bénavent, author of “Platforms – Collaborative sites, Marketplaces, Social networks – how they influence our choices”, explains the importance of algorithms in the operation of platforms.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Our startups testimonials

Some startups testify to their meetings with customers after the presentation of their innovative solution:

Alice Brune is project manager at Yousign

Valéry Lontchi is the founder of Legalix

Thibaut Gimenez is the co-founder of Stample

Dider Serrat is the CEO of Zeebra

Discover also our ecosystems testimonies.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.


The construction sector is evolving thanks to innovations in terms of construction. There are several types such as connected objects, 3D printers, BIM (Building Information Modeling), and so on.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Here is our white paper on Construction. Click on the image to download the PDF file.

Project open innovation

Our customers testimonials

Here is a video of several clients after an afternoon of meeting with startups who have applied for their project. Discover 6 company testimonials with Christophe Cyrille, David Bellaiche, Sandrine Lair, Laurent Olivier, Eric Jeannerod, Christophe L. Staudt.

Christophe Cyrille is the president of Berbiguier Premium Automobiles

Sandrine Lair is Operation Performance Manager at Akka Technologies

David Bellaiche is the CEO of ALTHEA Group. During this meeting, he speaks about innovation by the Corporate Venture.

Jean-François Gross is Director of Transformation at Ayming

We have a gain and a rise in skills very fast, my understanding of the issues has completely evolved, it opened a lot of potential leads. Very successful experience. Jean-François Gross

Olivier Laurent, CEO of the Althea Group, talks about innovation by external partners.

Christophe L. Staudt, Operation Performance Akka Technologies, shares his feedback with Collaboration Capital.


This field refers to the use of technology and computer software to provide legal services.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Discover our white paper! Click on the image to access the PDF download.

Innovation world