Month: September 2019


Generate new ideas, find and seize opportunities and then validate innovations that are useful for our future.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Here is our white paper on Marketing. Click on the image to download the PDF.

Collaboration startups enterprises

Human Resources

Thanks to the digital transformation, tools are developing in order to improve the efficiency of business processes, accelerate and simplify the execution of tasks.

Collaboration Capital offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

Here is our white paper on Human Resources, click on the photo to download the PDF.

open innovation platform

Platform Company

Pourquoi organiser une entreprise plateforme ?

Quelles sont les raisons, les bénéfices, les modalités de mise en oeuvre ?

Nous allons essayer de répondre à toutes ces questions via le témoignage de plusieurs retours d’expérience le 21 novembre, la description de l’événement est accessible via ce lien :

Voici les livres qui nous ont inspiré : 

Platform Strategy de Benoît Reillier et Laure Claire Reillier

Les communautés peuvent contribuer à votre croissance

Comment Amazon, Google, Apple et Facebook sont-elles devenues les plus grosses entreprises au monde en seulement quelques années ? Quel est le secret derrière la croissance fulgurante d’Alibaba, Airbnb, Uber et BlaBlaCar ? Et comment start-ups et entreprises traditionnelles peuvent-elles concurrencer ces nouveaux champions ?

Plateformes de Christophe Benavent

Il dévoile les mécanismes des stratégies des plus grands acteurs…

Sites web de consommation collaborative, marketplaces, réseaux sociaux, e-commerce…, toutes ces plateformes bousculent de nombreux secteurs de biens et de services et font émerger un nouveau modèle d’organisation. Ce livre décrit comment ces plateformes sont devenues des géants de l’économie (des licornes) et ce qu’elles transforment dans notre société.

De précieux intermédiaires de David Evans et Richard Schmalensee

Comment les géants créent de la valeur ?

Boostées par les nouvelles technologies, les plateformes que sont Uber et Airbnb, mais aussi Facebook et Google, sont les nouveaux intermédiaires d’aujourd’hui. Mettant en relation des utilisateurs ou différents groupes d’utilisateurs et leur permettant d’interagir, ces plateformes connaissent un succès phénoménal, à la hauteur des bouleversements et des craintes qu’elles font naître.

The two benefits of modernizing business practices

Let’s say it right now, it’s difficult to do the right thing every day and take the time to research and then understand innovative solutions that could modernize one or more of our business processes. So, we do as before, and if possible faster and faster, moving the productivity challenge on oneself.

Collaboration Capital offers operational managers the opportunity to identify and understand new solutions adapted to their business, true technological and usage innovations that improve and optimize a business practice, via the “Ecosystems” application.

The head of human resources, production, marketing, sales, supply chain, etc. can identify solutions capable of modernizing its practices, and thus improve the quality and / or performance.

The second benefit – most often forgotten – lies in the link that sometimes links activities in the company‘s value chain to the value proposition. Technology that can improve the implementation of a task, the supervision of an activity, etc. generates a result that can be factored to improve or extend the value proposition of the business to its market.

A connected object that can deliver more information about a state or process (this improving the management of an activity) can very often provide another value, such as a guarantee or a service to the end customer, who enjoys accessing an information that can improve the understanding of its activity and therefore its management.

Improving a business practice, process, component of the value chain can not only increase the productivity of an activity, reduce its cost, improve its performance, but also impact the added value and therefore the construction of the value chain. Result of the company by sharing with the customer, the results of this optimization.

Collaboration Capital also offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

The two benefits of feedback in our open-innovation data model

One of the assets of the matching algorithms proposed by Collaboration Capital is to select the technologies capable of achieving the desired use by the project leader.

The bearer of an innovation project expresses a need, a problematic and wants to have access to a solution able to meet his needs, and to achieve the desired objective, regardless of the technology used when it meets its criteria of integration.

The technical presentation of the strengths of a technology can not be enough to project itself into uses and benefits, which are very different depending on the business, the sector of activity or the specific context.

This is why, the Pitchbook imposed on startups to access free qualified projects require two feedbacks made, essential to achieve the rapprochement between the problematic and the proposed use.

The first benefit is the ability to achieve a cross between a problem / a project and a technology via the use allowed by technology, informed in the feedback from the startups in our platform.

A sensor of the range of connected objects can be applied in the automotive sector and at random of a project, apply on a medical use.

The algorithms put in place analyze feedback before technology, because the project leader looks first for a solution and then a technology.

The second benefit lies in the evaluation of applications. In addition to a description of the advantages of the technology proposed by the startup, the project leader can compare the different applications from the angle of the types of issues solved by the technological innovation of the startup and project themselves more easily into the proposed solution.

In return for inserted feedback, the startup accesses projects from qualified customers engaged on a roadmap.

Differentiate the application of the commercial proposal

When a project is published, the organizations selected (by the algorithms based on shared feedback) receive an e-mail including the access link to the project description.

Potential candidates can apply. But what does it mean to apply?

  1. To apply online via the form offered by the platform means:
    • specify the skills, expertise and technologies available in the organization, capable of responding to the need,
    • complete with the methodology used, the prerequisites if there are any,
    • And finally, possibly evoke a similar experience related to the use and / or sector of activity.
  2. To apply does not mean:
    • To make an encrypted commercial proposal, including a budget, days, a quantified evaluation.
    • Very often, the first exchanges with the potential supplier make it possible to learn the new uses or technological contexts of the market offer, causing it to adjust its expression of need, via exchanges between the project leader and the potential supplier.
  3. What to remember from the application:
    • The application is the first step that allows the project leader to evaluate the skills and experience that will be solved or answered as needed. Then follow the discussion in the platform, which will answer the questions of the project leader and decide together the interest of a meeting, which may lead to the formalization of a commercial proposal.

Collaboration Capital also offers feedback during collaborations between startups and companies.

A virtuous economic model for open innovation

Traditionally, it is the business provider who is paid for having identified and qualified a project, to present it to a potential supplier. Very often the potential supplier complains about the qualification of the project, the planned agenda, the available budget, etc.

The model used by Collaboration Capital is the opposite. It is the author of the project who takes out a subscription to be accompanied in the qualification of the project, the description of its characteristics and the objectives to be achieved, in order to maximize and make reliable the selection of potential suppliers, who will receive a detailed description of the project, free of charge.

Startups, research laboratories, etc. can apply for qualified projects offered by Collaboration Capital, free of charge, and validate a cooperation agreement or an order, without transferring any penny to Collaboration Capital.

The counterparts that are startups and research laboratories access to better qualified projects and with a higher commitment, insofar as a budget has been spent to innovate, by the author of the project, customer of Collaboration Capital. The economic model is virtuous because it allows innovative ecosystems (Startups, Research Laboratories …) to access and carry out business, for free, with companies engaged in open-innovation approaches.

For the author of the project, it is the guarantee of not having a way in the connection, in addition to an exhaustive and objective sourcing. Benefit also from feedback from collaborations between startups and companies.

Collect applications or explore innovative solutions

The Collaboration Capital platform offers two complementary applications.

The “Projects” application allows you to present your project, to qualify it. The platform’s algorithms select the most appropriate innovative solutions for the problem or project described. You receive documented, structured applications that allow you to evaluate and select the best potential suppliers. A discussion area included in the platform makes it possible to exchange with each candidate in a secure way. Benefits: Speed, exhaustive and innovative solutions in a few days.

Here is the description of the steps in summary

The application “Ecosystems” is a presentation of lists of innovative solutions organized by business themes: Human Resources, Training, Marketing, Sales, Supply Chain, Production, Finance, Legal, etc. which enables operations managers to explore, discover, learn and select innovative solutions that can modernize a business practice.

Benefits: measure the gap between currently proposed solutions and daily practice, selecting the best solutions for each business.

Here is the description of the steps in summary

Benefit also from feedback from collaborations between startups and companies.