Differentiate application from commercial proposal

Sep 8, 2019 Candidature
Commercial proposal

Differentiate application from commercial proposal

When a project is published, the organizations selected (by the algorithms based on shared feedback) receive an email including the access link to the project description.

Potential candidates can apply. But what does it mean to apply?

  1. To apply online via the form offered by the platform means:
    • to specify the skills, expertise, and technologies available in the organization capable of responding to the need,
    • to complete, through the methodology used, the prerequisites if there are any,
    • And eventually, to refer to a similar experience related to the use and/or the sector of activity.
  2. To apply does not mean:
    • To make a quantified commercial proposal, including a budget, days, or a costed evaluation.
    • Very often, the first exchanges with the potential supplier make it possible to learn the new uses or technological contexts of the market offer, causing it to adjust its expression of need, via exchanges between the project bearer and the potential supplier.
  3. What to remember from the application:
    • The application is the first step that allows the project bearer to assess the skills and experience that will solve or respond to the need. This will be followed by a discussion, in the platform, which will make it possible to answer questions from the project bearer and to decide together on the interest of a meeting, which could lead to the formalization of a commercial proposal.

Collaboration Capital also provides feedback from collaborations between startups and companies.


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